the power of drawing
Patient information and questionnaires

I do not understand
Oh my, it's so many words
I'm not going to read all of that
Couldn't that be simpler and shorter?
now i understand and i know what to do
Incorrect use of medication, uncompleted questionnaires, not at the appointmentto appear, is common among people who find it difficult to understand the information that goes with it. And you don't have to be low literate for that.
It is therefore important that healthcare providers critically examine their information material and questionnaires to ensure that they are written in such a clear and understandable way that they are attractive to read.
By IMAGEand WORDcombining this with each other lowers the threshold for many people to read information and the chance that it will also be understood is much greater.
A visual is also ideal for explaining difficult medical information on the basis of a drawing. A doctor or nurse can use the pictures to explain a disease or treatment. When a patient takes this visual home is much more likely that the information has been understood and remembered.