the power of drawing
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- Tandzorg bij ouderen | VisualPower050
HappyCare Dementia care in Dutch hospital settings: perspectives on person-centered nursing care and shared decision-making Hospital admissions for people with dementia often lead to unintended negative consequences, such as complications and longer hospital stays, which are burdensome for both patients and their loved ones. Nurses play a crucial role in care, but often experience it as complex. This dissertation by Annette Plantinga focuses on how nursing care for dementia patients in Dutch hospitals can be improved, with an emphasis on Person-centered care and Shared Decision Making, from the perspective of both nurses and loved ones. An important part of the study was the evaluation of a measurement instrument that assesses the degree of person-centred care, which allows comparison between departments and hospitals. In addition, the perspective of nurses was investigated. Although nurses have positive attitudes, many feel insufficiently equipped to deal with problem behaviour effectively and often lack specific knowledge about dementia care. Relatives experience stress due to poor communication with nurses and do not always feel treated as care partners. They worry about the safety of their relative with dementia. Positive experiences arise when nurses recognize the patient's dementia and involve relatives in care decisions. Negative experiences occur when care is focused exclusively on the disease for which the patient was admitted. The findings highlight the need for better education for nurses, with attention to dementia care and person-centred care. Improved communication and early recognition of dementia are essential. Further research could focus on alternatives to hospital treatments to reduce the negative consequences of admissions for dementia patients.
- dementie | VisualPower050
HappyCare Dementia care in Dutch hospital settings: perspectives on person-centered nursing care and shared decision-making Hospital admissions for people with dementia often lead to unintended negative consequences, such as complications and longer hospital stays, which are burdensome for both patients and their loved ones. Nurses play a crucial role in care, but often experience it as complex. This dissertation by Annette Plantinga focuses on how nursing care for dementia patients in Dutch hospitals can be improved, with an emphasis on Person-centered care and Shared Decision Making, from the perspective of both nurses and loved ones. An important part of the study was the evaluation of a measurement instrument that assesses the degree of person-centred care, which allows comparison between departments and hospitals. In addition, the perspective of nurses was investigated. Although nurses have positive attitudes, many feel insufficiently equipped to deal with problem behaviour effectively and often lack specific knowledge about dementia care. Relatives experience stress due to poor communication with nurses and do not always feel treated as care partners. They worry about the safety of their relative with dementia. Positive experiences arise when nurses recognize the patient's dementia and involve relatives in care decisions. Negative experiences occur when care is focused exclusively on the disease for which the patient was admitted. The findings highlight the need for better education for nurses, with attention to dementia care and person-centred care. Improved communication and early recognition of dementia are essential. Further research could focus on alternatives to hospital treatments to reduce the negative consequences of admissions for dementia patients. Click on the PDF to view the entire dissertation of Annette Plantinga
- Thesis illustrations | VisualPower050
Thesis illustrations Do you want an original, personal design for your thesis? One that explains the core of your topic, and at the same time is playful and radiates creativity? I can help you! Get inspired by the examples below. I also make special talking pictures for scientific studies that explain complicated content in a simple way. My working method We start with a design session, preferably physical. During this session we will search together for the essence of your research and discuss your ideas. We end with a design sketch. I make a concept drawing of that After the first version there are plenty of opportunities to give feedback. I think it is important that the drawing meets your wishes. You will receive the drawing in vectors. This way the image is always sharp. You will also receive all drawings separately in PNG so that you can use them separately in presentations. Please contact us I would be happy to prepare a quote for you based on a preliminary discussion. Examples Click on the image for more information Illustrations of theses scientific illustrations / visuals
- Het huisartseninfarct | VisualPower050
The doctor's infarction This poster may be shared and printed. Deze plaat is interactief gemaakt. Klik op de plaat om de interactieve versie te krijgen. Door op de sterretjes te klikken, krijg je de verklarende tekst erbij te zien. Daardoor komt de plaat meer tot leven. De tekening laat de verbanden en het groter geheel zien; de tekst geeft meer details en inhoud. Het is een visuele samenvatting van een uitzending van Zembla die was gewijd aan het groeiende huisartsentekort.
- Portfolio | VisualPower050
Portfolio Here is a brief overview of my work. Some vusuals are for internal use only. For more information, click on the visual. Master Circular Economy Learning path Visual report At Begun: The Economic Agenda At Begun: The social agenda At Begun: The art teacher At Begun: Meeting Each Other At Begun: The culture hub PhD research: Music therapy and mental health Educational regions, organizational structure PhD research: Pain prefab What am I wearing today ? What am I wearing today ? Circular economy PhD research: Relocare Academic road to success Archibus Topdesk Certe Happy care PhD research: Lifestyle adjustments for osteoarthritis Education regions Integrated Health Policy Why is singing healthy? The Marieje The GP infarction What am I wearing today ? Self-direction and perspective conversation InsideOutDay working together for growth Care in the picture The GP infarction Balancing around Privacy Sustainability task Just simple talking board or infographic Professional Learning Community The puzzle to suitable work Traveling together Medical talk plate (3-panel) Together Forward! Learn CAHAG Regional Approach Personnel Shortage LOGO CONGRESS ELANN PROMOTION URIN CONTROL SERVICE DESIGN PROJECT HAN COPD QUESTIONNAIRE Promotion Improve Project HEALTHY KIDNEYS MEETING NEUROTRANSMITTERS SERVICE PHARMACY FUTURE VISION farewell CERTE AQCUISITION WEN DUFFLES MULTI-YEAR PLAN CERTE GPRI cookie jar LEARNING ROUTE COPPER STUDY
- Leefstijlaanpassingen artrose | VisualPower050
HappyCare In recent years, Sjoukje Bouma has done PhD research at the Orthopedics department of the UMCG. She conducted research into the experiences of healthcare professionals with the use of lifestyle adjustments as a treatment for osteoarthritis. The first part examined which factors prevent healthcare professionals from doing so. The second part examined which strategies can be used to improve the use of lifestyle adjustments as a treatment for osteoarthritis. To better explain her research to people, I drew this picture for her.
- Afscheid Certe | VisualPower050
farewell certe Commissioned by the Service Pharmacy I made this visual. in a meeting the service pharmacy of the day after tomorrow was discussed, what were the wishes, the visions? I made this visual when I said goodbye to Certe after 15 years. The visual tells my way through Certe: the Asthma/COPD service, Lifelines and the blood draw. I had cards printed and a personal message for colleagues on the back.
- Topdesk Certe | VisualPower050
HappyCare My mother is 93 and like most people her age, she is very vulnerable. Fortunately, her head is still doing well, but she has fallen regularly over the last few months. First because she was trying to pick something up, later because she was tired at the end of the day and recently because she could no longer stand on her legs. My mother has always been active and very independent. The rapid downward spiral was a difficult process for her and for us as children. After each fall, my mother had to give up more independence and our worries increased. She did not want to go to a nursing home and did everything she could to stay at home. And that also worked... Because there were 5 lovely women from Happy Zorg who put their heart and soul into ensuring that my mother could stay at home until it was really no longer possible. Natalie, the 'leader', had already taken care of my mother 5 years ago after her hip dislocated. Nathalie has always kept in touch with my mother. She didn't have to do that, but she did. And how valuable that was became apparent in recent months. It was wonderful how they helped my mother. Nothing was ever too much and everything was done with love. Partly thanks to the Happy ladies, my mother managed to stay at home. Unfortunately, my mother went to a nursing home a week and a half ago. It really didn't work anymore... Last week, as a thank you for all the care given to my mother, I received Natalie Drobe and her team gave a 'business drawing' workshop. I first taught them the basics of how to draw your story or message simply and functionally. They then made a drawing together about their team: What makes their team so special? They drew this drawing on paper, I made it digitally for them in one poster. A beautiful and valuable result. Happy Natalie, Happy Roos, Happy Indy, Happy Jet and Happy Eva…. You have been invaluable to my mother and us over the past period. I hope that politicians will look less at how you can organize healthcare as a business (where competition has proven to be cutthroat and lucrative companies make a lot of money) and focus (and invest) more on the people who do the real work!
- boekje bestellen 1 | VisualPower050
Yes, I would like to buy 1 copy 'Drawing as a means of communication' PRICE: EUR 12.50 + EUR 4.25 shipping costs Total: EUR 16.75 Contact Send Thanks for your message. I will contact you as soon as possible. Or contact us directly! 06 - 24231063 visualpower050@gmail.com Bunderriet 48, Groningen
- Drawing as a communication tool | VisualPower050
In company training Drawing as a communicationtool Communicate effectively using simple drawings Would you like to work on a theme that is relevant within your organization? Or Do you want your story (or PhD research?! ) in an appealing way? Or do you regularly see patients or...do you have client contact where you want to explain recurring topics in a clear manner? Business drawing helps you ou to keep your story concise and communicate clearly. And it helps others to essence better understand and remember your story. The nice thing is: you don't have to be a drawing whiz jn! Everyone can do it. I tailor the training to your needs one, so that it meets your wishes. For whom? The training is for everyone who likes to tell his/her story in an appealing way to convey wants to discover the power of working in a visually way as to achieve better communication wants to learn practical tips and skills to convey the message simply and quickly with drawing wants to use drawing to bring more creativity and fun into the work At the end of the training you know the basics of a simple, effective, business drawing you know the tools to give a drawing more (expressiveness) power (such as use of color, framing, hierarchy and composition) you started creating your own visual library you made your own visual and presented it to the group. After the event A few days after the training you will receive a visual report containing all flip-over drawings, group pictures and atmospheric photos. A beautiful and valuable souvenir of the day! Practical information For the training 'Drawing as a communication tool' I would like to consult with you to determine what the goal is, what exactly the team wants to learn and how we can achieve this as effectively as possible. If desired, the training can be given in English. Location in consultation Included drawing materials and the booklet 'Drawing as a communication tool' for each participant. Based on a preliminary discussion, I can make you a quote. Please contact us Workshop for large groups This workshop is very suitable to do during a conference or company day. In a short time (45 minutes - 1.5 hours) I introduce the participants to business drawing. During the workshop I will show how you can tell a cow story powerfully and compactly with drawing. During the workshop I let everyone draw along so that at the end the participants feel a lot more confident. Because no one has to be a drawing prodigy! Please contact us What others say about this training "Today's workshop was truly inspiring and sublime! This was truly a workshop that I will benefit from for the rest of my life. Thanks for this!" Gwendolyn, student master circular economy Many practical and useful tips Good structure of the training Enthusiastic and smooth presentation Ask carefully and connect well with our team Inspiring! Team Cedin "Despite the fact that I had failed CKV all my life and am certainly not a Picasso, I have discovered the fun of drawing again. In addition, I found it extremely valuable to be able to encompass a difficult and long-winded story in an easy-to-understand drawing ." Bram, student master circular economy What a revelation, this course! Recommended for anyone who wants to convey something that is coming: compactly and in images. The system of visual communication is clear. Teacher Ellen gives fantastic explanations and you practice the lesson(s) as you go. But after that it is: Practice makes perfect! Ineke, Groningen Very refreshing and enlightening, this way of communicating. Everything and everyone comes to life! Annejet, Groningen What a fun and educational day it was! It was great fun to get to work in a practical way, with Ellen's tips, instructions and ideas. All in all a very successful day! We are already busy putting what we have learned into practice! Team Ultraware That's how I had it never watched See, this is the connection This is how we get to the essence together and it's fun too We made this together
- identiteitswerk | VisualPower050
identity work The first idea for this record was that I had a visual s summary of a project group meeting. But gradually the desire came to use this record as a means of communication, a 'talking record'. This meant that I added topics that were not or hardly discussed on that day. A beautiful process! At the bottom of the page, a link has been made for internal employees to documents on this subject. The simple question 'What can you do?' is sometimes difficult to answer. How do you portray the qualities and capacities of female status holders? Based on the action research into the guidance of female status holders towards a sustainable job, this was asked to various public professionals in the regions of Utrecht, Zwolle and Arnhem/Nijmegen.